Explore Your Dark Side Through Shadow Work
If Scorpio, Pluto, or the 8th House are prominent in your natal chart or you’ve been through some hefty Pluto transits, I’m pretty positive you are no stranger to the themes of death, rebirth & transformation. Scorpio asks us to honor the depth of all our emotions, even & especially the ones that make us uncomfortable. Shadow work, coined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, believed that to acknowledge our whole self & live a balanced life, we must fully integrate the shadow side of ourselves. In short, Shadow Work explores the aspects of our personality that we choose to reject, repress & then eventually project. There is a boatload of literature on the interwebs covering this work & ways to integrate it. If you’re looking for books to begin, we suggest Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature.
Own Your Power
What lights you up? What do you find yourself geeking out about the most? Our personal power lives within our passions. Embrace it, nourish it, & let it shine. While life can sometimes seem out of our control, we are always in control of how we react to it & the steps we take to better it. Learn something new. Volunteer your time. Spend time with people who inspire & energize you to be your whole magical self. When in your life did you feel like an absolute badass? Revisit that moment often to remind yourself how it feels while you create new moments to step into along your journey.
La Petite Mort—Practice Sex Magick
The French phrase la petite mort, or “little death,” is a euphemism for that moment inside an orgasm when you experience extreme ecstasy & transcend into what seems to be a higher state of consciousness. You forget where you are, who you are, who you’re with, ego death, a little death. Like all magick, Sex Magick is about intent. Sexual energy is one of the most potent energies we can tap into & use as a manifestation medium. Simply put, Sex Magick is about setting an intention & directing sexual energy to manifest it.
Visit the Dead
The veil (liminal space) thins during Scorpio Season. On October 31st, at Samhain / Halloween, it is believed that the veil between the physical world & the spiritual world is at its thinnest, making it the most natural time to connect with the dead. If you decide to visit a graveyard, please respect the dead. There’s a certain etiquette to be followed. Read up!
Create an Ancestor Altar
Because of the thinning mentioned above, this season is the best time to create an altar where you can make offerings & give reverence to your loved ones. Set your intentions & sit with them for some time. Clear, cleanse & set your space. You’re going to want to bring in all four elements, earth, air, fire, water. Add photos of your loved ones & choose offerings. This will be a space where you cultivate or maybe heal a relationship with a loved one in your lineage. If this is your first time setting up an ancestor altar, check out this video: How To Set Up an Ancestor Altar | Ancestor Set up Step by Step for Beginners by Sunny Brooks.
Adopt a Venus Fly Trap
Nothing says Spooky Season like a flesh-eating plant & nothing says Scorpio more than a plant that attracts prey by using their seductive scents to lure in insects & trap them with sticky fluids so they can devour them! Get yourself a carnivorous plant or gift one!
Take a Bath in the Dark
Give your eyes a rest & tap into the rest of your senses. Bathing or showering in the dark is super-relaxing, especially if you do it before bed, “darkness” stimulates the pineal gland to secrete melatonin. In contrast, exposure to light inhibits this mechanism, so says science. Not to mention it can be a profoundly sensual experience by yourself or with a lover.
Alchemize Your Pain Into Art
Taking your pain & giving it a purpose; embracing it & letting it fuel creativity is powerful. You don’t have to heal & change the world with your art, but I guarantee you that you will change & heal yourself.
When Does Scorpio Season 2022 Start?
Scorpio Season starts on October 23, 2022 at 6:35 AM & ends November 22, 2021 at 3:20 AM.
Astrology Cheat Sheets
Astrology Cheat Sheet Printable Pages for Reference, Your Grimoire, or Book of Shadows
These are awesome to have on hand to use as you learn & for reference when needed!
Includes a THREE 8.5″ x 11″ PDFS